Monday, 3 September 2012

Daily Study - The Selection of the Time

The Selection of the Time

I'm writing these study notes while my neighbours are having yet another blazing row. This Gosho has reminded me of our mission to propagate Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism so that we can alleviate suffering like that of the people next door...
As Sensei says on p11 of August's AOL, by awakening to our mission as Bodhisattvas of the Earth, we live our lives with the "fundamental spirit of empathy and caring for others".  Nichiren Daishonin stood up, alone and persecuted so that we could meet the practice in the Latter Day of the Law. We should practice with his spirit and become "the foremost votary of the Lotus Sutra in the entire land of Jambudvipa (the entire world).  It was Nichiren Daishonin's supreme compassion for us to become enlightened that enabled him to make this his mission in life. And he took responsibility for that mission, completely, understanding that it was only him, as the Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law, who could make this mission a reality.
Sensei writes that with this spirit of transforming our lives, and helping others to transform theirs, we can prove our worth as a human being.  It isn't down to how powerful we are, or what our status is, the true measure of a human being is how by we help people overcome their suffering.
We are fortunate in England not to suffer major religious persecution such as Nichiren Daishonin did, but in his day in 1275, his teachings certainly ruffled a few feathers to say the least.  The 'evil demons' which had taken over the priests and rulers of his time, did everything in their power to cut Nichiren Daishonin down to size, to banish him in exile. But still he carried out, out of sincerity and respect for all human beings. He would not be silenced.  He recognised that their slander of the Law was having grave effects on the country and the people, but also, sadly realised that these 'eminent priests' would accept his word as true, when it was too late.
So, how do we achieve our mission for widespread propagation - by treasuring the person right in front of us! As Sensei writes on p17, "It all starts with one person. That person's passion and commitment will inspire another person, and then another..." becoming a Mount Sumeru of perfect enlightenment. 
In our recent Chapter Study lecture, our wonderful Women's Division leader spoke of determining in front of the Gohonzon, every day, on how we can "consolidate our strong foundation" and then build on this foundation. That it starts with us, determining to live our life to the absolute fullest. 
Sensei gives us guidance that we shouldn't begrudge our own lives; that we can't fully commit to the struggle with a half-hearted attitude. "Without a thoroughgoing commitment, one cannot persevere in the struggle to propagate the correct teaching in the Latter Day of the Law. But unless this struggle is undertaken, the teaching of the Lotus Sutra will become obscured and lost, and the Latter Day will remain in darkness." 
We are reminded of the examples of the farmers at Atsuhara, of Shijo Kingo and the Ikegami brothers - people with pure and strong faith who took on this struggle whole-heartedly, no matter what the cost to themselves or their lives. Similarly, what  personal sacrifices have our three presidents undertaken for their mission - Makiguchi dying in prison, Toda's selfless struggle to rebuild the Soka Gakkai and achieve his determination of 750,000 households practicing, and Sensei Ikeda's ongoing efforts to achieve worldwide kosen-rufu amidst persecution, slander, arrest to name but a few of the challenges he has had to face - and overcome.
As he says, "Now is the time to show brilliant actual proof of worldwide kosen-rufu by reading with our lives the Daishonin's words:  'Try practising as the Lotus Sutra teaches, exerting yourselves without begrudging your lives! Test the truth of Buddhism now!"
This is our mission! Let's do it!  I'm going to start with my neighbours :)

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