Celebrating the birth of Nichiren Daishonin with utmost and eternal gratitude...
From the February issue of the Art of Living:
Nichiren Daishonin was born on 16 February 1222 in a small fishing village called Kominato, on the south-eastern corner of Japan. In 1233, he became a novice monk at Seicho-ji temple, in Awa Province (now Chiba Prefecture). Temples served as centres of learning and it was here that the Daishonin learned to read, write and study in earnest.
This was a tumultuous era. There was a succession of unusually severe natural disasters and the activities of power-hungry political sects compounded the immense suffering of the populace. Much confusion also existed within the religious world and many people sought solace in doctrines which taught that, since ordinary people could not attain enlightenment through their own actions in this world, happiness and relief were only to be found after death.
Witnessing the sufferings of the people, the young Nichiren vowed at the age of 12 to become the wisest person in all Japan. On 28 April 1253, at the age of 32 and following years of intensive study of Buddhist doctrine, he first declared the teaching of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, the heart and essence of the Lotus Sutra and the teaching that would allow people to transform their lives.
Nichiren Daishonin's continued efforts to spread a teaching which taught that each individual had the potential to be a Buddha, inevitably put him on a collision course with those in power who wished to maintain their status by keeping ordinary people subservient.
Nichiren Daishonin faced numerous persecutions and was almost executed. However, remaining undaunted, he was able to overcome all obstacles and, by so doing, demonstrated the power of a human being who bases themselves on the Law. Furthermore, he was able to embody his enlightened life-condition in graphic form as the Gohonzon in 1279 and thereby opened up the unconditional path to Buddhahood for all humanity.
Please everybody reading this blog thank Nichiren, Nikko, Nichimoku, Makiguchi, Toda, Ikeda, Couston, and all the people who every day do their best to push kosen rufu forward; I mean each responibile of group, sector, center, and so on, who dedicate every evening of their lifetime in meeting, guidance, shokobuku.
ReplyDeletePlease keep them all in mind during 3rd prayer.