Sunday, 30 December 2012

Daily Practice - My Actual Proof Campaign

SGI-UK have embarked on our Actual Proof Campaign, towards 18th November 2013, and winning towards 18th November 2030.

In this way, by linking our daily prayers and actions to realise true happiness for ourselves and others with the completion of the new headquarters on 18th November 2013, President Ikeda is encouraging us to realise great victories in our lives that can stand out as "actual proof" of faith that is as grand and impressive as the new seven-storey headquarters building.  

President Ikeda explains the significance of the construction of the Soka Gakkai General Headquarters, as follows:

"You could say, without doubt, that the structure and edifice symbolises both an invincible citadel  of mentor and disciple, as well an impregnable stronghold of kosen-rufu. I want to establish an absolutely solid foundation so that members of the Soka Gakkai are able to strive in faith with pride and with peace of mind. The Soka Gakkai Headquarters is a 'fighting bastion' that furthers the noble cause of kosen-rufu whilst battling the three powerful enemies and all manners of devilish forces. With this in mind, the Soka Gakkai Headquarters should advance eternally with conviction that it is foremost in the world! It must remain strong and resilient! For this was the strict order of my mentor. My wife and I are praying earnestly each day so that all of our dear, fellow members are able to construct a valiant citadel of victory, be it in their homes, work places or communities." *Tentative translation, Seikyo Newspaper article, May 3rd 2012

So now is the time for us to ask ourselves:

What is the challenge facing me that I really want to break through?

What is my grand vision for my life or my family?

What positive advance could I make in my home life, place of work or study?

Is there a secret dream locked in my heart that I have not yet dared to really pray to realise?

What will be my great actual proof that I will proudly share with others?

Let's be inspired to set ourselves great goals and achieve them by 18 November 2013! Our goals could be anything but our victory should be something that shows undeniable actual proof of our faith to ourselves and others, so that we can become even happier through realising more of our unlimited potential and also inspire others to want to do the same.

If you would like more details of the campaign, such as a copy of the daimoku chart, please drop me an email at and I will gladly send you a copy of the campaign leaflet.

So with the bravery and courage of a lion king - let's be ever-victorious, together, in 2013!

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