Saturday, 7 July 2012

Daily Encouragement - the courage of a lion king

So I woke up this morning, to a problem that I never knew I had last night. A biggie. And it's WIN or LOSE time. I've have worked so hard on this one particular issue that I refuse to be defeated now.
But... I feel physically sick, my stomach is in knots, and my lesser self is shouting in my ear. So what to do. There is only ONE thing I can do. Chant, and then chant some more. Chant fighting daimoku with the courage of a lion king, as so wonderfully described in the Gosho Reply to Kyo'o . I determine to wield the mighty sword of the Lotus Sutra.
There is no point my lesser self analysing the situation, 'thinking' of a way out, planning a strategy in my mind. The only strategy that I can use is that of the Lotus Sutra (see Strategy of the Lotus Sutra). That's when I know I'll be accessing my Buddhahood lifestate. When my wisdom, courage and compassion will shine through and appear in every thought, word, and action of mine.
I will chant with the absolute faith and conviction that this situation will be transformed and that I can prove the power of this practice once more to others.
I leave you with President Ikeda's wonderful encouragement on 'Victory'.
Let's WIN together!

Whatever problems you may have, ultimately you chose to have them in this lifetime.  In other words, you have your present problems so you can prove the power of Myoho.  If you truly understand this point in the depths of your life, you will have no reason to fear problems.  All you have to do is courageously overcome each one with the power of faith.  Remember that no obstacle or worry is impossible to overcome with the power of faith.  - SGI President Ikeda

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