Friday, 27 July 2012

Daily Practice - Chanting for safety during the Olympics

Our area in London is proudly hosting the Olympics and Paralympics this year! To protect this historic event with our vibrant daimoku, two districts in East London will be chanting every day from July 26th to September 10th. We'll be chanting for the safety and protection for all during the event.
Romford district in Redbridge Chapter has the honour of covering tomorrow, and I'm proud to say each slot is filled, and by each division, including naitoku.
I'll be sharing the guidance with you each day. So lighting the flame of guidance, here is today's:

Friday 27th July: The Daishonin states: "When with our mouths we chant the Mystic Law, our Buddha nature, being summoned, will invariably emerge" (WND1,887). As you will note he uses the word 'invariably'. When we chant daimoku we will invariably be able to manifest within us the limitless beneficial power of the Mystic Law. And the more we persevere in our Buddhist practice with strong faith, the more we can experience this immeasurable and boundless power in our life. NL 8272

Hope you got to see the opening ceremony on tv - it was amazing! Have a great Olympics weekend everyone! 


  1. Good Afternoon. We're still waiting to see the coverage here in NY. Starts at 7:30 EST. I was able to read real time logs on Guardian UK, and London 97.3 has radio coverage.

  2. Oh it's great, I hope you really enjoy it. It's on for four hours, so late for us here too. Have a great weekend!
